My Timeline
January-June 2022
- Introduced to computer science through developing Java in BlueJay
- Also learned about game development using GameMaker
July-December 2022
- Enrolled into business but liked learning about Python more!
- Used turtle, image manipulation techniques, and created an app using sound and image recognition
January-August 2023
- Learned C and C++, including implementation on basic coding concepts
September-December 2023
- Transferred to the Computer Science program!
January-April 2024
- Learned more about different algorithms, data structures, hardware, and x86-84 assembly code
May 2024
- Started developing personal projects 😸
- Learned HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to start web development projects
- Also started learning Blender (the background for this website was made by me!)
June 2024-Present
- Learning about data science using Python (Pandas, Numpy, smoothing techniques, machine learning etc.)
- Introduced to Software Engineering, currently developing an issue tracking software including the program implementation, requirements specification, user manual, overall design
- Working on python project by web scraping real estate websites to analyse data and predict housing prices in the Lower Mainland for 2025